Professions that directly impact human beings, especially those related to fundamental values such as freedom, equality, and justice, are closely associated with ethical values. It is of special importance to uphold ethical values in the education of such professions.
Lawyers, while practicing their profession, must prioritize and adhere to professional ethical values and aim to achieve justice and fairness as their primary objective. The implementation of law can result in significant consequences that directly affect a person's material or spiritual values. It may involve the restriction of individuals' freedom or the impact on their fundamental rights, as well as other rights and values. Those who choose this profession, which has direct effects on people, need to be provided with professional ethical values, especially a strong sense of justice and fairness, at every level of education, and they should be instilled with an understanding of objective behavior.
Due to the utmost importance of the superior values that law must follow, educational institutions providing education in this field have an essential mission to instill a sense of justice, fairness, and respect for fundamental values in individuals who will practice this profession. In the Faculty of Law at MEF University, we have planned to prioritize the aim of justice and fairness required by our profession at all stages of education.
Primarily, we have meticulously prepared the necessary infrastructure to educate competent individuals with a strong sense of justice and fairness, knowledgeable in the field of legal science, and capable of creating legal rules. They should be creative in the application of existing legal rules, have a command of the basic principles of law, and be well-versed in classical subjects that form the scientific foundation, such as legal philosophy, legal history, and comparative law. They should possess comprehensive knowledge of national and international legislation and legal matters, be open to development and progress, and be equipped to produce competent graduates.
Global developments, the rapid progress of international relations in recent centuries, the increasing contemporary and commercial interactions of our country with various cultures and countries, not only in Europe but also in countries such as China, Japan, Russia, and African countries, have necessitated a change and diversity in our educational approach. As a result, it has become necessary for our lawyers to have knowledge of international legal regulations, legal systems of other countries, and their legislation.
In particular, the rapid development of communication in areas such as trade and tourism has undoubtedly influenced the field of law. The direct increase in relationships with different countries and regions has led to the multiplication of legal rules and legal problems at the international level. In the past century, with communication tools such as the internet, relations between different cultures and regions are now developed without physical displacement, and social, commercial, and multifaceted relationships are established. As a result, common legal rules are established in many areas due to the problems that arise, and international legal regulations are applied more than ever before.
As a result of the closer and stronger relationships of individuals and countries living under different legal systems, common accepted rules between countries have increased, such as the European Union legislation, which has started to take the form of a kind of common law (ius commune), and human rights conventions. This has led to a need to have command over international legal legislation.
Especially as a result of the changes in the world in the late 20th century, which have restructured the world in social, economic, political, and cultural aspects and are referred to as globalization, communication between different cultures has accelerated worldwide, and the necessity of learning different languages has emerged. In order for our graduates to be effective in dealing with problems related to foreigners coming to our country and conducting activities here, as well as in legal disputes of an international nature, it is necessary for them to be proficient in foreign languages and be able to follow the legal doctrines, practices, and legislation of other countries.
In our country, due to the application of laws derived from various European countries, we have always had connections with countries such as Switzerland, Germany, and France in terms of legal doctrine and science. Despite the reception movement primarily based on the laws of European countries in our country, English has become the dominant and preferred language in international relations, as it is in Europe and other countries around the world. Considering that English is used as a communication language in Europe and other continents, it is essential for legal professionals to have a command of the English language.
By keeping up with the latest developments in our country and worldwide, we have chosen to provide a 30% English legal education for our students, allowing them to easily pursue their careers and professional development in a wide range of geographical locations. This decision has been supported by the Higher Education Council (YÖK). Our Faculty of Law is one of the few law faculties in Turkey that has been granted YÖK approval to offer a 30% English education program. This confirms the strength and seriousness of our educational program and academic infrastructure from its establishment.
By training legal professionals who are proficient in English, we aim to enable them to actively and effectively represent our country in international relations in the field of public law and also easily perform their profession in disputes related to international private law, benefiting from English as a communication language.
When determining the courses in the legal education program, our priority has been to ensure that compulsory courses are provided to students at a sufficient level and depth. On the other hand, through elective courses, we enrich the educational program to provide the necessary foundation for students to determine and achieve their desired professional future.
In addition to that, the credit system in the program has been designed to be compatible with the Bologna process and legal education programs worldwide. The harmony and richness of qualifications in both compulsory and elective courses, determination of realistic credits in accordance with the basic principles of the credit system, maximum credit compatibility, and sufficient course hours have been consistently considered throughout the entire education process and program.
Internship, certification, legal clinics, simulated court, and other diversified training methods aimed at enhancing legal practice skills are offered as elective courses. Moreover, performance courses that enhance language and expression skills, which have been considered beneficial for legal professionals for a long time but are rarely followed in Turkey, have been included in the program in a highly effective manner. With an education nourished by all art forms, cinema, literature, and linguistics, we aim to develop effective expression and thinking abilities, encouraging creative expression of professional skills. Optional courses such as Law and Cinema, Art of Persuasive Speaking in the Legal Profession, Law, Literature, and Art are taught by competent and expert instructors. It has been particularly emphasized that these types of educational options are included within the elective course category in a uniform and balanced distribution. It is believed that giving students the choice and directing them to become aware of their own tendencies and future plans is a more suitable method than forcing them in a particular direction.
Our program has been prepared with a conscious system that is aware of the indispensable elements of classical legal education and embraces the necessary innovations required by current conditions.
With this understanding and perspective, we aim to enable graduates of MEF University Faculty of Law to succeed at both national and international levels, regardless of whether they work in the public or private sector, and fulfill the requirements of their profession, thus attaining a respected professional position by applying the knowledge they have gained. We invite all students who aspire to receive a quality, qualified, and reputable legal education and become fair and just legal professionals to join our Faculty.
Prof. Dr. Havva KARAGÖZ
Interim Dean
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