The rules listed below are the general rules applicable to laboratories within the MEF University Faculty of Engineering.

  • Personal and General laboratory safety

  • Obey all the safety procedures imposed by the instructor

  • Do not enter the laboratories with food or drink and cigarette smoking is prohibited

  • Do not run any experiment without permission

  • Do not begin working or gathering supplies and equipment until your instructor is present

  • Do not touch any equipment or supplies without specific authorization

  • Never work alone

  • Do not keep the laboratory door open

  • Tools and equipment should only be used for their designated purposes

  • Report immediately all damaged or broken equipment to the instructor

  • Report immediately unsafe conditions, unusual odors and personal injuries to the instructor

  • Keep your work area clean and uncluttered

  • Keep all aisles at all times; do not use corridors for storage or work areas

  • Keep personal belongings below the table and out of the working area

  • Clean up your work area before leaving

  • Use protective equipment such as gowns, gloves and goggles as needed

  • Do not work with wet hands

  • Avoid wearing jewelry in the labs

  • Tie back long hair and wear closed-toed shoes when working in the laboratory

  • Be careful when lifting heavy objects

  • No cell phone or ear phone usage is not allowed during experimental operations.

  • Avoid diverting or upsetting persons working in the laboratory.

  • When working in teams, everyone should be informed about the processes carried out in parallel and dangerous situations that may arise from lack of information should be prevented

  • Make note of locations of fire extinguishers, eyewash stations, first aid cabinet and emergency shower

  • Make note of the emergency exit routes

In Case of Emergency

CONTACT MEF University Public Safety immediately @

  • EXT 3600 - Campus Phone

  • 112 - Public Phone

Have the Following Information Ready when Speaking to Public Safety Dispatcher:

  • Nature of Emergency

  • Location (Building and Room Number)

  • Number of People involved / Injured

Do not hang up unless told to do so by the dispatcher; instructions may follow.

Fire Alarm

When the fire alarm is activated leave the building; do not use the elevators.

Computer Laboratory Principles and Safety Rules

Scientific project studies, undergraduate graduation projects and laboratory applications for undergraduate courses are carried out in these laboratories located on the 3rd floor of block A (A302) and on the 4th floor (A409) of block A.

Laboratory entrances and exits can be made by authorized persons with ID cards. When you first enter the laboratory, you need to contact the responsible faculty members and get permission for the work you will do.

Ensure that the area of ​​use is cleaned after the laboratory. Make sure that electrical equipment is turned off after the laboratory.

Please read in detail the applications stated below in terms of Computer Engineering Laboratories.

General Safety Procedures

1- Following the Instructions

After entering the laboratory, work will be carried out in accordance with the warnings of the laboratory technician/instructor in order not to disrupt the occupational and health safety rules.

2- Electric Sockets on Workbench

During the experiment, attention should be paid to the sockets on the bench for use. When unplugging the plugs from the sockets, remove them safely with one hand, not from the cable, but by holding/pressing with a non-wet hand. Using extension cords should be avoided whenever possible. Extension cords should not go under doors, across aisles, be hung from the ceiling, or plugged into other extension cords.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory Principles and Safety Rules

Scientific project studies, undergraduate graduation projects and laboratory applications for undergraduate courses are carried out in this laboratory, located on the 4th floor (A403) of block A.

Laboratory entrances and exits can be made by authorized persons with ID cards. When you first enter the laboratory, you need to contact the responsible technician or instructor and get permission for the work you would like to do.

Students cannot work alone in the laboratory; During the study, a technician, research assistant or instructor must also be present in the laboratory.

Before working in the laboratory, get detailed information about the equipment you will use by reading the usage and safety instructions and consulting the laboratory technician.

Take care to use the necessary personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, etc.). In the laboratory, always get help during difficult tasks such as lifting weights from the ground.

Note the consumables used during your work and inform the laboratory supervisor for the next experiment. In this way, it will be easy to manage the inventory.

Determine the locations of the equipment that may harm the surrounding during the operation in a safe manner. Do not leave cables exposed or positioned in a dangerous way. In particular, position tools with cutting edges, hot soldering iron and soldering iron pump, away from the risk of hitting and falling.

Ensure that the area of ​​use is cleaned after the work and that waste materials are collected/stored/ disposed of properly.

Please read in detail the applications stated below as items related to the Electrical-Electronics Engineering Laboratory.

Safety Rules

1) Following the Instructions
After entering the laboratory, work will be carried out in accordance with the warnings of the laboratory technician/instructor in order not to disrupt the occupational and health safety rules.

2) Opening the Electrical Panel
Do not work with the electrical panel during laboratory use. When necessary, notify the technician/instructor in charge of the laboratory to call the authorized electrical personnel. Maintain an unobstructed access to all electrical panels.

3) Electrical Sockets on Workbench
During the experiment, attention should be paid to the sockets on the bench for use. When unplugging the plugs from the sockets, remove them safely with one hand, not from the cable, but by holding/pressing with a non-wet hand. Using extension cords should be avoided whenever possible. Extension cords should not go under doors, across aisles, be hung from the ceiling, or plugged into other extension cords.

4) Test Benches
Test benches should always be kept clean and tidy. No liquid or food, including water in a capped bottle on the test benches is allowed. Electronic equipment (such as a mobile phone) that has nothing to do with the experiment/study should be removed from the test bench. Space-consuming items such as bags; coats can be placed on cabinets near the door or on a hanger.

5) Cables
Power cables, measuring cables (probes) and crocodile headed cables are standing together. You can get the cables required for experiment/study on your test bench. Be sure to ask the laboratory technician/instructor how the cables will be connected to the device. In order to make a healthy measurement, it is important to select the appropriate cable, to connect and disconnect the cable without damaging the cable head. Cables should not hang from the test bench or stand on the ground in a dangerous way. They should be untangled and out of the way. When finished cables must be properly located.

6) Countertop Devices
The oscilloscope, power supply and signal generator on the bench should be kept off and unplugged when not in use. Their location should not be changed without the permission of the laboratory technician/teaching staff. When attaching a high voltage power supply always switch off the supply. Before setting up an experiment or changing parts, turn off power sources used in the experiment. When you are adjusting any high voltage equipment with a high voltage supply, use only one hand. Before use, the safety documents and usage instructions of the relevant equipment should be examined. Measurements should preferably be done in the right hand and should be grounded with ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) tape attached to the wrist.

7) Experiment Sets
Test sets kept in metal or cardboard boxes are taken to the bench only for the relevant experiments / studies. Each team has a different number. Do not use any team other than the team approved by the laboratory technician/instructor, do not exchange experiment sets with other tables.

8) Cabinets / Drawers
The material cabinets in the laboratory can be opened with the permission of the laboratory technician/instructor, and the materials required for the experiment/study can be taken to the test benches. Cupboards and drawers must be kept closed when not in use. In this way, measures are taken against possible accidents that may occur by hitting the doors/drawers opening to the corridor.

9) Material Waste
Paper, battery and electronic waste generated during or after the test preparation should be disposed of in appropriate recycling bins. The soldering table should be cleaned with a dry cloth, residues such as a piece of cable and copper wire should be removed appropriately.

10) Solder
The table next to the ventilation window should be used for soldering. The gas released during soldering is poisonous and should not be inhaled. Before the soldering iron and the soldering iron pump are turned on, the window should be opened and ventilation should be provided. There should not be any materials that are not heat resistant or flammable. Individuals should wear their own protective glasses. More than one person's use of a pair of glasses is not good for eye health. The soldering table should never be left while the soldering iron is in operation. As soon as the work is finished, the soldering iron should be turned off, unplugged and the table cleaned.

11) Unattended Experiments
In terms of the healthy functioning of the experiment, the proper use of the equipment and the safety of the people in the laboratory, tests should not be left unattended. But, if need arises, appropriate warning notices and signs should be posted on or near the equipment that is left in operation during long periods of work. The notice should include the emergency shutoff procedures, and contact information. Also place a sign on the laboratory door that include the name and phone number of the person responsible for the experiment.

12) Cutting and Drilling Tools
During and after the experiment, cutting and piercing tools should be properly stored. Otherwise, equipment left unsuitable may harm others or the experimenter. For cutting thick cable or Pertinax board; or if cutting and piercing tools such as hand drills, side cutters, pliers or screwdrivers are used to drill holes, protective gloves should be worn.

Physics Laboratory Principles and Safety Rules

In this laboratory, located on the 1st floor of block A (A102), undergraduate courses and laboratory applications are carried out.

Laboratory entrance and exit can be made by authorized persons with a key. When you first enter the laboratory, you need to contact the responsible technician or faculty members and get permission for the work you will do.

Students cannot work alone in the laboratory; During the study, a research assistant or a faculty member should also be present.

Before working in the laboratory, get detailed information about the equipment you will use by reading the usage and safety instructions and consulting the research assistant.

Take care to use the necessary personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, etc.). In the laboratory, always get help for difficult tasks such as lifting weights from the ground.

Note the consumables used during your work and inform the laboratory supervisor for the next experiment for the inventory management.

Determine the locations of the equipment that may harm the surrounding during the operation in a safe manner. Do not leave cables exposed or position them in a dangerous way. Especially position cutting and piercing tools away from the risk of hitting and falling.

Ensure that the area of ​​use is cleaned after the laboratory and that waste materials are collected / stored / disposed of properly.

Please read in detail the applications stated below in terms of the Physics Laboratory.

Safety Rules

1) Following the Instructions
After entering the laboratory, work will be carried out in accordance with the warnings of the laboratory technician/instructor in order not to disrupt the occupational and health safety rules.

2) Opening the Electrical Panel
Do not work with the electrical panel during laboratory use. When necessary, notify the technician/instructor in charge of the laboratory to call the authorized electrical personnel.

3) Electrical Sockets on Workbench
During the experiment, attention should be paid to the sockets on the bench for use. When unplugging the plugs from the sockets, remove them safely with one hand, not from the cable, but by holding / pressing with a non-wet hand.

4) Test Benches
Test benches should always be kept clean and tidy. No liquid or food, including water, should be kept in the capped bottle on the test benches. Electronic equipment (such as a mobile phone) that has nothing to do with the experiment / study should be removed from the test bench. Space-consuming items such as bags and coats can be suspended.

5) Test Sets
The experiment sets on the tables should only be used in the relevant lectures in the presence of a laboratory technician/research assistant. Conditions that may pose a danger in the experiment sets should be reported to the laboratory supervisor.

6) Cabinets / Drawers
The material cabinets in the laboratory can be opened with the permission of the laboratory technician/instructor, and the materials required for the experiment/study can be taken to the test benches. Cupboards and drawers must be kept closed when not in use. In this way, measures are taken against possible accidents that may occur by hitting the doors/drawers opening to the corridor.

7) Material Waste
Wastes generated during the experiment should be disposed of properly in an enclosed waste bin fitted with polythene bag.

8) Cutting and Drilling Tools
During and after the experiment, cutting and piercing tools should be properly stored. Otherwise, equipment left unsuitable may harm others or the experimenter.

Civil Engineering Laboratory Principles and Safety Rules

Scientific project studies, undergraduate graduation projects and laboratory applications for undergraduate courses are carried out in this laboratory located on the 3rd floor (A303) of the block A. Laboratory entrances and exits can be made by authorized persons with ID cards.

When you first enter the laboratory, you need to contact the responsible technician or faculty member and get permission for the work you intend to do.

Before working in the laboratory, get detailed information about the equipment you will use by reading the usage and safety instructions and consulting the laboratory technician.

Take care to use the necessary personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, etc.). Seek help for difficult tasks such as lifting weights from the ground.

Note the consumables used during your work and inform the laboratory supervisor for the next experiment. In this way, it will be easier to manage inventory.

Safely locate the equipment that may create harm to the periphery during the operation. Especially position cutting tools away to prevent the risk of hitting and falling. Ensure that the area of ​​use is cleaned after the work and that waste materials are collected / stored / disposed of properly.

Please read in detail the applications stated in the articles about Civil Engineering Laboratory below.

1) Following the Instructions
After entering the laboratory, work will be carried out in accordance with the warnings of the laboratory technician/lecturer in order not to disrupt the occupational and health safety rules.

2) Opening the Electrical Panel
Do not work with the electrical panel during laboratory use. When necessary, notify the technician/instructor in charge of the laboratory to call the authorized electrical personnel. Maintain an unobstructed access to all electrical panels.

3) Electrical Sockets on Workbench
During the experiment, attention should be paid to the sockets on the bench for use. When unplugging the plugs from the sockets, remove them safely with one hand, not from the cable, but by holding/pressing with a non-wet hand. Using extension cords should be avoided whenever possible. Extension cords should not go under doors, across aisles, be hung from the ceiling, or plugged into other extension cords.

4) Drawers
The drawers on the laboratory bench cabinet must be kept closed when not in use. In this way, measures are taken against possible accidents that may occur by hitting the drawers opening to the corridor.

5) Material Waste
The wastes remaining on the instruments used during the preparation of the test or after the test should be cleaned before drying. In order to prevent material wastes such as sand, concrete, floor from clogging the sink drain, coarse wastes should never be poured into the sink. After the coarse wastes are thrown into the garbage bucket, the washing process should be done in the sink.

6) Unattended Experiments
In terms of the healthy functioning of the experiment, the proper use of the equipment and the safety of the people in the laboratory, tests should not be left unattended. But, if need arises, appropriate warning notices and signs should be posted on or near the equipment that is left in operation during long periods of work. The notice should include the emergency shutoff procedures, and contact information. Also place a sign on the laboratory door that include the name and phone number of the person responsible for the experiment.

7) Pressure and Tensile Tests
In the laboratory, compression and tensile tests are carried out with a 10-ton capacity ALŞA brand test instrument. The rules to be followed while working with this tool are given in the appendix as specified in the user manual of the device. It is extremely important to follow these rules at the stages of sample placement, experiment initiation and termination, and removal of tested samples from the device.

8) Fixing Mobile Devices and Cabinets in Their Places
Large devices in the laboratory must be fixed in place in case of the possibility of overturning. Storage cabinets in the Civil Engineering Laboratory must also be fixed to the wall within this framework.

9) Cutting and Drilling Tools
During and after the experiment, cutting and piercing tools should be properly stored. Otherwise, equipment left unsuitable may harm others or the experimenter.